Namespace ZO.Physics
A Zero Sim wrapper class for a Unity Articulated Body Supports writing and reading to ZeroSim JSON format.
A body that forms part of a Physics articulation. An articulation is a set of bodies arranged in a logical tree. The parent-child link in this tree reflects that the bodies have their relative motion constrained. Articulations are solved by a Featherstone solver that works in reduced coordinates - that is each body has relative coordinates to its parent but only along the unlocked degrees of freedom. This guarantees there is no unwanted stretch.
Like with regular Joints, there are two anchors for each pair of connected articulation bodies. One anchor is defined in the parent body's reference frame, whereas the other one is defined in the child's reference frame. Changing the constraints, you directly affect the allowed space for relative positions of the two anchors. For instance, ArticulationDofLock.LockedMotion will not allow any relative motion at all.
A Zero Sim wrapper class for a Unity Hinge joint. Supports writing and reading to ZeroSim JSON format.
The HingeJoint groups together 2 rigid bodies, constraining them to move like connected by a hinge.
The HingeJoint has a motor which can be used to make the hinge spin around the joints axis. A spring which attempts to reach for a target angle by spinning around the joints axis. And a limit which constrains the joint angle.
A Zero Sim wrapper class for a Unity Hinge joint. Supports writing and reading to ZeroSim JSON format.
The HingeJoint groups together 2 rigid bodies, constraining them to move like connected by a hinge.
The HingeJoint has a motor which can be used to make the hinge spin around the joints axis. A spring which attempts to reach for a target angle by spinning around the joints axis. And a limit which constrains the joint angle.
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller.
Velocity, Acceleration and Jerk limiter See:
Defines a standard interface to access joints.